Engaging doers and dreamers to build spectacular thriving communities
We bring extraordinary people together to plan for a vibrant future with our family, friends, and neighbors creating remarkable legacies.
Strategic Focus Areas
Over the next several years, Golden Belt Community Foundation (GBCF) has identified three key areas of interest. GBCF will continue to focus a portion of its discretionary and competitive grants, as well as organizational resources toward these areas.
Child Care
Mental Health
Economic Development Plan
Beginning in 2022 GBCF will dedicate half of the available funds from the Kansas Health Foundation Youth Endowment to address the shortage of child-care opportunities and resources across Barton, Pawnee, Rush, and Stafford counties. Grants for child-care may include, but are not limited to, addressing education and training for providers, capacity building, and funding to expand services for non-profit childcare centers.
Now more than ever, there is an increased focus on mental health as part of a person’s overall health and well-being. GBCF recognizes the need for accessible and affordable mental health services for all. Funding available through the Kansas Health Fund, an endowment that supports public health, will be used to support mental health programs and projects across the four counties. The first mental health grants were awarded in 2021 and allowed local non-profit organizations to bring much needed services to a variety of clients – from children to adults.
Economic Development Philanthropy continues to hold promise for building wealth across Golden Belt communities. GBCF began its first initiative, Come Home, several years ago to attract talent and encourage those individuals who grew up in the area to consider moving home once their career and families were established. The program provides funding for student loan repayment for individuals seeking to move to and work in one of the Golden Belt counties.
Beyond these focus areas GBCF works with hundreds of donors and funds every year. GBCF continues to see an interest in funding basic needs, such as food and shelter, as well as supporting education through grants and scholarships. The competitive grant opportunities provide support to a wide variety of organizations and projects.