About the Funds
Through donations, Prairie Godmother Fund provides grants to improve the health and well-being of Barton County women by providing hardship assistance for a basic need not met by other resources.
How to Apply
If you are a woman, experiencing a hardship, and meet the Special Eligibility Requirements below, please reach out to an area organization and ask if they are willing to complete an application on your behalf. Organizations are not obligated to assist you with this application because completing the application requires time outside their normal working duties.
1. Make an appointment
Individuals must request an organization to complete a Prairie Godmother Fund application on their behalf. GBCF will accept an application from ANY Barton County, KS non-profit agency, school, church, or government entity. Applying organizations simply need to go our Grants web page and create an account using the grant portal to apply, similar to any other GBCF grant.
2. What to bring to your appointment
– Proof of income such as a paycheck stub, social security benefits, child support, alimony/maintenance, etc.
– Proof of Barton County, KS residency, such as a driver’s license.
– An estimate or invoice for the single most important unmet basic need you are seeking assistance for.
Special Eligibility Requirements
– A woman, 18 years of age or older
– Lived and/or worked in Barton County, KS for a minimum of 6 consecutive months, prior to submitting the application
– Experiencing a hardship (sudden illness, death, accident, violent crime, isolated natural disaster, or have a basic need not met by other resources)
– Must lack the financial resources for your basic need or have a household income that is at or below 400 percent of U.S. federal poverty guidelines https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines
– The application must be submitted by a Barton County, KS non-profit agency, school, church, or government entity
Grant Restrictions
– Applications will not be accepted by individuals, businesses, or for-profit agencies.
– Ineligible requests
– Needs met by other community resources including, but not limited to: food, rent, and utilities. For these services, please contact your local food bank, Barton County Emergency Aid, Central Kansas Dream Center, and Heart of Kansas Family Health Care. In case of a medical emergency, please contact 911 or seek immediate medical attention.
– Cost of bail, legal fees, credit card bills, services that create a greater indebtedness, past debt, payments to individuals, needs met by other resources, needs beyond basic necessities, and needs created by widespread natural or civil disaster.
The Advisory Board
Liz Schartz
Jillane Koochel
Regan Reif
Sonya Rein
Rachel Mawhirter
Kristin McAllister
Jamie Hutchinson
Jan Keeley
WAND Award Guidelines and Procedures
Purpose: The Prairie Godmothers WAND Award is a needs-based, financial assistance grant providing funds to a woman who is accepted or enrolled in a course or courses at Barton Community College. The applicant should have a personal goal of financial independence or job advancement through education.
Eligibility: A woman is eligible to apply to the PGM Grants Committee for a WAND Award if she is 18 years of older, lives in Barton County, KS (minimum of six months), and is accepted as a student at Barton Community College.
Amount of Award: A quote for the amount of the requested award must be presented with the application. A woman may request less than the maximum ($2,000) when the full amount is not essential. The total award is based on the availability of funds, applicant’s individual needs and ability to benefit from the award.
Use of Award: When an award is granted, all payments go directly to the vendor. The money is intended for educational expenses such as: Tuition, books and supplies, testing and graduation fees, equipment or tools necessary for the course of study, etc.